Thursday, October 24, 2019

DC's Horror Anthologies Covers - Original Art

If I ever have a spare $200 or so laying around, I am going to pick up the omnibi for DC's House of Mystery and House of Secrets. I was never into horror or mystery comics as a kid - all superheroes, all the time (with the occasional sword & sorcery or science fiction tossed in for good measure). But as an adult, and largely due to my increased interest in the B&W mags, my curiosity has been piqued.

Today I have a cornucopia of covers from those books, as well as DC's Ghosts. Enjoy the ghoulishness!

Neal Adams

Neal Adams

Nick Cardy

Ernie Chan

Luis Dominguez

Luis Dominguez

Luis Dominguez

Joe Kubert

Mort Meskin

Joe Orlando

Ricardo Villagran

Bernie Wrightson

Bernie Wrightson


  1. Ah, a perfect selection of creepy images for the Halloween season! And some excellent images they are.

    The Adams covers are, obviously, fantastic. And those Wrightson covers? Jeez, the man was indisputably a Master.

    I'm not familiar with Luis Dominguez, but he has some fine work. And it's interesting to see Kubert do a horror cover; seems kind of unusual for him.

    Those "House of" Omnibi would be a welcome addition to any collection. If you ever see a 2 for 1 sale...

  2. Unlike yourself Doug I read plenty of horror/mystery comics as a kid, not so much because I was interested in the genre as such, but they often looked great - the importance of mood and atmosphere seemed to bring out the best in the artists.
    You've come up with a varied selection here - not really associating him with the horror books I wouldn't have expected the inclusion of Joe Kubert, and its nice to see a few covers by Luis Dominguez, who you don't hear much about these days, as well as the more obvious choices like Neal Adams and Berni Wrightson.

    Btw, on that second last cover, the one with the raised hand and er, fingers (:, I think Berni Wrightson - or possibly someone behind one of the stories inside - may have been reaching back into childhood memories as it looks like it might well have been inspired by one of my favourite pre-comics code covers, Sensation Comics #109.
    The Wrightson artwork is much more accomplished of course, but I love that word balloon in the original :)...


  3. Had to look up that cover for House of Mystery 214 at the Grand Comics Database. The color cover is fine, but that black and white version is so much better. Amazing!

    1. Yeah, the way Wrightson varies his line to create texture and movement in a fairly "simple" image - particularly on the hand - is really striking in b&w.

